Markibar Izaga Review

We've been getting a lot of questions about the Markibar,

"How much faster is it?"
"How does it improve efficiency?"
"What makes it so different?"

So we called Gera from Benchtop Espresso to come over and review the Marbibar Izaga grinder.

He shares the 5 reasons why it performs so superbly:

The 5 reasons to choose the Markibar

#1 Speed

No more waiting for your grinder shots. The Markibar pre-grind feature will save 7 seconds PER shot. You do the maths.

#2 Consistency

Deliver the same quality shot every-time with minimal disruption or fiddling with the grinder.

#3 Efficiency

Speed + Consistency = a more efficient and focused barista.

#4 Error Reduction

Reduce common errors that occur when changing between Baristas or grind settings.

#5 Improved Extraction

Even without distribution tools, the Markibar helps you extract the best coffee flavour.

Watch the video with Gera to learn more about each of these areas.

How to set up, run and clean the Markibar

Book A Demo or Enquire 

Contact Ange and the team today to have all your questions answered and to book a live Demo (Gold Coast only).
